Friday, December 20, 2013


Standing in my dining room having just shattered three glass Christmas bulbs. Standing there in bare feet looking around thinking I can't step anywhere without cutting my feet...a sinking sigh escaped me an I thought "f'ck...this is my life....all my shattered dreams are around me..." Then, like I've done my entire life over an over...I carefully stepped over the broken pieces and cleaned the mess up

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Are you kidding me?! I can't get into my car this morning because it is FROZEN SHUT!? 

Monday, December 9, 2013


Eddie Vedder's Better Days lyrics 

I feel part of the universe...
open up to meet me
my emotion so submerged...
broken down to kneeling

what's listening?... voices they care...

had to somehow greet myself... read myself
heard vibrations within my cells... in my cells

Singin' laaa...

my love is saved for the universe...
see me now I'm bursting
on one planet so many turns...
different worlds

singin' laaa...

fill my heart with discipline...
put there for the teaching
in my head see clouds of stairs...
help me as I'm reaching

the future's paved... with better days

I'm running... from something
I'm running towards the day... wide awake

all whispered... once quiet
now rising to a scream... right in me

I'm fallin'... free fallin'
world's calling me... up off my knees

oh, I'm soaring... yeah, and darling
you'll be the one that I can need..... still be free

our future's paved with better days.